Photos 2016

Support jobs today @OctagonT

It has been a busy Friday atOctagon Technology, Martin has been out at Horncastle and Louth and the company has done several jobs in Lincoln. I have been to Newark, where the PC was d.o.a., but fortunately the client had taken up our advice and had their data stored locally on a NAS drive and then backed up to Octagon’s UK based secure offsite servers. This made it a stress free repair job for both the client and myself.

I had two telephone conferences with contract clients both of which broadly covered the same topic – about how they should use and protect their internet domain names.

I sketched out a firewall and Internet usage filtering solution for another contract client, so that they can control what sites and services are accessed using the company internet. They now need it written up so the board can approve the solution – I’ll do that on Monday.

The final job today was sorting some issues out on a Mac.

Sorting some issues out on a Mac

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