Photos 2013

The Bell at Coleby

This morning I was at The Bell at Coleby helping them get to grips with some software they are using.


Their beer garden has a great selection of very photographic objects, making it easier for me to find a photo of the day.

This photograph was taken with the latest version of Camera+, cropped in the app’s Lightbox and then the light was lifted with the Clarify filter.

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A few rain drops

As I was leaving a client today, the rain was just starting and I caught just a few on this before it became a deluge.



I updated the WordPress app on my iPhone (in readiness for iOS7) – however someone forgot to include a “Done” button when adding categories to a post. So to get back to editing my post I had to close the app and then reopen it. So WordPress either needs to let me know the secret way to get back to the editor or put the button back.

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New Twitter feed for Octagon Technology

In between fixing computers and recovering some data for a client from a “broken” hard drive Martin and I have been working on Octagon’s social media links. We had been using Diana’s Twitter account for the business, but we made a decision a couple of weeks ago that the company should have its own presence on Twitter – @OctagonT.

This means after a weekend if exciting walking and camping photos today it is a photo of work.


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