Lake District

Sunday – a bit windy

Sunday – a bit windy

Originally uploaded by Clive_lincs

The photo was a quick snap I took just before the wind and rain came along. Today at 12 miles we thought it would be causual stroll in the country – with our ultimate destination Tann Hill Inn the highest pub in England – a bit of a rest after the lakes and 20 miles yesterday.
Then the mid summer weather added 75 mph wind and horizontal heavy rain. RP was blown off his feet – at points I could not take a step into the wind it just stopped me and took my breath away.
Everything in the back pack got wet, I did not carry my camera. The Aqua Pack I have for my handheld and GPS unit did its job perfectly, I was able to use the navigation software (Memory Map for Windows Mobile) without worry in the worst of the weather and kept on track. My Blackberry and iPod (in its neoprene wallet) was in an inside pocket in my Rohan Expedition Vest and my waterproof jacket over that meant they only got a little damp. Valuables in my pack are stored in zip lock bags.
The weather was so bad that the paths were flooding so keeping the water out of my boots was impossible but that made it very easy to ford the swelling streams – I just walked straight through (they could not get any wetter). The boots were still very comfortable even when the socks and boots were soaked – and my feet are still fine, no sore spots or blisters
No lunch stop today just an SIS energy bar, chocolate bought last night (thanks to the Co Op) and the SIS electrolyte drink.
When the pub appeared as I came off the footpath it was a really welcome sight.

More posts out of sequence probably – now we have phone services expect more posts.

Sorry the pre-occupation with the weather but it is a significant thing to us…

Sunday – a bit windy Read More »

Sweeping Richard W off his feet

Literally! Our journey today nearly over 12 miles in 7 hours rather than 5 1/2 as we had hoped. Finally arrived at Tan Hill England’s highest pub to find the landlady requesting we stripped off on arrival. We were totally soaked and could have flooded the place. The good news is we will have clean and dry clothing for the morning. We also found the highest wing speed recorded at the pub today was 87 mph. Just remind me, it is summer isn’t it?

Sweeping Richard W off his feet Read More »

Nine Standards Rigg…. In the rain and high wings

I can’t describe the strength of the wind, we all we nearly blown off our feet making progress much slower than we had hoped.

Nine Standards Rigg…. In the rain and high wings Read More »

A great place to stay

A great place to stay

Originally uploaded by Clive_lincs

After 20 miles in the rain The Black Bull Hotel was a great place to stay. Helpful staff, good beer, best food on the journey so far and nice rooms – even had a video libary so we watched the Time Machine after dinner. Anyone doing the Coast to Coast should stay in the Black Bull Hotel when they get to Kirby Stephen.

Useful place to get to the Co Op in open until 10pm so we bought chocolate and pain killers (no for me) for the walk on Sunday.

A great place to stay Read More »