IT Support for Lincolnshire

Lincoln City centre… @OctagonT

…on the way to work this morning.

Lincoln City centre...

It is the final “go live” day, today, on a project that we started in December 2013 with research and proposals. During that time we have replaced everything at this clients office, servers, PCs and all their software including the major application that runs all their business through. We have moved some of their services into the cloud including using a hosted exchange server and removing all the servers (and so saving the subsequent costs) from a satelite office and instead using internet links back to the main office.

We have also been involved with managing the change for them with training and onsite support throughout the process. This included Connor attending the staff training session, run by the software company, six times so he really knows how things work.

And today is the final switch to the new database and office software.

So no pressure then.

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