I’ll wait before going back out to my cabin.

I wrote this for World Password Day on the Octagon Technology blog:
I’ll wait before going back out to my cabin.
I wrote this for World Password Day on the Octagon Technology blog:
I have a new iPhone 12 Pro Max. I am looking forward to see what the camera(s) can do.
This phone replaces my iPhone Xs that I bought 934 days ago, and which is being is being up-cycled to one of our engineers. So it is not Apple e-waste .
Click here for the first photos I took with the iPhone Xs at Lincoln University.
We cannot do it but watch this YouTube video and you may decide then to ship you phone to the USA.
If you work in IT and want to be amused by Apple’s community support – watch this one.
Water damaged iPhone – recover photos Read More »
This will probably be the last “photo of the day” taken on my iPhone 8 as I have just picked up a new iPhone Xs.
Today is the 2000th day of making “a photo a day”.
The photos have covered many subjects, from flowers and plants (one of my most popular subjects) to mountain views, camping and computer screens. The subjects of the images have been very varied, it depends on what catches my eye that day.
The photos made whilst camping, walking and backpacking are among my favourites.
Wild Camping – Old Man of Coniston
The view from my tent at 5am – hot coffee in hand
Some days I get plenty of time to find a shot, others it is jammed into a busy schedule, hence the computer screens! Some photos have been for the Octagon Technology blog – that particular image was going to be yesterday’s photo but I passed a rose in my way home, that had caught a few rain drops, so I changed my mind.
Using my iPhone makes this project sustainable – it is always within reach and the image processing and blogging software is right there. Occasionally I have been without internet access and the photo has been posted the next day, (I adjust the blog date so the sequence is not broken), but that does not happen often.
No big tips on how to take a photo every day, except have your camera at hand.
So that’s it – day 2000, onto 2001, 2002, 2003…
I have lost my voice and the doctor says, “no talking” so it can recover! My family and friends thinks this is really funny – plenty of jokes!
OneNote on my my iPad is coming to the rescue – I can easily write out notes on it to save my voice. If I want to “speak loudly” may be I’ll write in red.
At Octagon Technology we are big users of Microsoft’s OneNote. We particularly like:
Next Friday I am delivering a “hands on” seminar, with Paul, from PR Wilson Media, about how OneNote can help with social media content creation and management. Follow this link for more details and to book your free place.
Of course I need my voice back by then!
Yet another use for OneNote Read More »
I have come away this weekend as Octagon has a number of weekend projects scheduled over the coming weeks; but I also have some presentations to work on. So for today this is my office.
Not only does remote working mean that our team can work from home, or client sites, or from the local wifi cafe. But especially for Diana and myself we can access our systems and information whilst we are away on holiday.
On my agenda today:
Whilst remote working to keep everything charged I have a USB charge plug in my MX-5 that supplies both 1A, for my phone and iPod and 2.1A for my iPad.
When the phone is in this bracket it is easy to use it as a personal hotspot so my wifi enabled devices can get on the Internet, this saves multiple SIM card costs.
Add to these my collection of tech gadgets, cables, brackets and chargers, a multi-coloured pen and a hard cover A5 notebook and I have everything with me to work away from home.
Remote Working – My office today… Read More »