I spent the day at a business seminar near Coventry. It was held a Ansty Hall Hotel which had a walled garden, that made a good place to look for a photo of the day. But I had to be quick in the ten spare minutes I had at lunchtime.
I spent the day at a business seminar near Coventry. It was held a Ansty Hall Hotel which had a walled garden, that made a good place to look for a photo of the day. But I had to be quick in the ten spare minutes I had at lunchtime.
click on the above image for a larger version
This high contrast mono image highlights the internal detail of this tulip.
I did not use flash but used a filter in Photogene2, that I have created, to emphasise the wood grain.
With the variable weather I walked out to Mount Famine and then back to the campsite via Hayfield village.
click on the above image for a larger version
I was being severely buffeted by the wind whilst I was making this panoramic shot and after three attempts I had to stop as my hands were getting too cold. Ten minutes later as I was coming down from the summit the sun came out!
I left the office a couple of hours early, to drive over to the Peak District for the weekend. I managed to get the tent up before the hail started!
This is where I am staying.
Diana watches this – so I recognise nothing
Camping in the Peak District pt1 Read More »
Tonight it was the monthly meeting of the Branston Business Network – luckily held in the village pub.
Branston Business Network Read More »