iPhone photography

Recent Runes

I have been listening to a couple of Terry Pratchett audio books whilst I have been away, so I was not surprised today to see some recent runes on a monument in Dingwall.


click on the above image for a larger version

I am off to Skye tomorrow – where the EE coverage map shows no 3G and only intermittent 2G! So I may not be able to post my photos as regularly as I normally do, so I may have to “catch up” as and when I get Internet access.

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Culbin Forest

It rained all last night – but it had stopped before breakfast this morning. I had planned to do a bit of shopping in Inverness and then go onto Nairn and the Culbin Forest. This was a good choice as the best of the weather was along this coast, I could see heavy rain all around me in the distance but it was excellent weather where I was.

When I got back to the camp site it had been raining here during the day.

At Clubin I walked through the forest and out to the coast where I had a good view across the water.


click on the above image for a larger version

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