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Hill Walking – to the Falls of Acharn

The forecast was for showers and once I was up high on the walk today I did get showers – heavy showers. I had taken a waterproof poncho with me which did an excellent job of both keeping the rain off me and my pack and by keeping the wind off me kept me warmer as well.

Once I reached the top of the falls the weather was closing in and the cloud was dropping so I abandoned my lunch plans, had cold water and some raw cashew nuts and headed back to Kenmore.

It stopped raining on the way down but the cloud stayed around the hilltops.

Hill Walking - to the Falls of Acharn

Hill Walking - to the Falls of Acharn

Diamond Resorts Kemore Club Loch Tay

Hill Walking - to the Falls of Acharn

Hill Walking - to the Falls of Acharn

Falls of Acharn hills from Kenmore

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