
Coffee Break

I didn’t take a backpack on my walk this morning, I wore my winter walking coat and carried just enough equipment for a coffee break on the walk back – well actually it was hot chocolate.


I used a stile as a convenient seat and got my meths stove out of the wind behind the fence post.



I use a strip of heavy duty aluminium foil, cut from a tray an oven joint was cooked in. The foil is shaped into a “coil” so it fits snuggly around the titanium mug with lid, making an effective wind shield.


The plastic mug fits over the Sigg bottle and the folded up stove is stored under the bottle, the titanium mug slides onto the bottom of the bottle.

The other sundries fit into the front pocket: spork, fire steel, mug lid, meths bottle, some paper towel in a small ziplock bag for cleaning up and the rubbish.


I carried my sitmat in a jacket pocket.

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Veryan Campsite pt4


Morning coffee before Jeremy gets up -boiled up in my Crusader Cookset but using my Vargo Ti meths burner as it is cleaner than solid fuel tablets. Even though we have an MSR Pocket Rocket gas stove with us the meths burner still gets a lot of use, especially when we need to boil water for both of us – and we are not in a hurry. It also is a good second burner when cooking – again best for boiling water. The down side is it takes a bit longer to boil the water compared to the MSR stove.

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This building has not always been a pub.


click on the above image for a larger version

We went for a coffee and cakes – this is what Jeremy had, a hot chocolate.


We then went for a walk along the coast at Gerrans Bay, to find somewhere to have lunch.






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