Aviemore and the Cairngorm Mountains
Aviemore and the Cairngorm Mountains Read More »
Lunch today by Loch Morlich and then up to the Cairngorms mountain railway cafe for hot chocolate with a view.
Something from the garden today – I have gear and equipment to clean and sort today, it is too wet and gray to get the MX-5 out and I have Octagon work to organise for the coming week.
Here are a few extra photos from the Scotland trip I have did not post.
The Standing Order – Edinburgh, a pub in a converted bank
Today’s photo and some extra Scotland photos Read More »
This is one of my favourite walks out to a small loch with a well placed bench for a brew.
Before setting off I texted a friend with the NGR of where my car was parked, an outline of my route, the NGR of the loch and my estimated time back to the car – just in case. It was lightly snowing and -3c when I left the car.
It was cold enough that I was glad of the gadget gloves I was wearing. The the ends of the fingers are treated so I can use my iPhone 6S camera screen controls without having to take my gloves off. For extra warm though the gloves are thin enough that I can wear them inside the Norwegian wool mittens my Mother bought me on her visit to Norway last spring. These mittens have a wind proof pre-shrunk wool outer with a softer wool inner and they are incredibly warm. They were not cheap but they are worth every penny.
Several sections of the path I used were flooded, with one length of about 150m looking more like a stream than a path, where the banks of a small river, the path forded, had been washed away.
The flooding did however make for some interesting ice over the running water.
An Lochan Uaine – completely frozen
The loch was nearly completely silent, except for a very occasional quiet bird song and the few minutes roar of my gas stove.
Heinz tomato soup, tuna, crackers and a chocolate bar – at one of the best outdoor restaurants I know!
Of course once back at the car I let my safety contact know I was back OK.
Walking to An Lochan Uaine Read More »
Although the weather and being on holiday with Diana, rather than in an adventure trip, meant that I did not walk much in Scotland this year, I did get one day out in the forest.
I took my Sea to Summit day pack, which was large enough for the day’s food, drink and gear.
* waterproofs
* cooking gear and windshield
* 2l of water and food
* plastic sit mat
* first aid kit
* emergency gear, extra warm clothing and glucose tablets
* Head lamp
I had planned three brew stops, breakfast, lunch and an afternoon break.
Breakfast – Pop Tarts and coffee
Lunch – mackerel in spicy sauce, crackers, cereal bar, banana, instant mocha coffee
Afternoon break – tea and cake
As usual my MSR titanium mug with the lid made a perfect small pot for use on the Alpkit Kraku stove – with this set up I use a heavy duty aluminium wind shield. I made my hot drinks in a plastic beaker to keep the pot clean.
The elastic strapping worked well to carry my wet rain coat – however it was difficult to remove the jacket at the end if the day as the thin elastic cord got tangled. I have since replaced it with thicker elastic cord which works better.
I have recently added two loops of cord with cord grips to attach a walking pole to the pack – in the photo I am using it to hold my Square Jellyfish camera mount.
This is an excellent gadget for holding my iphone steady for those HDR or low light photos. I have been really pleased with it as it has assisted in making some stunning images.
The image of the iphone and mount above was taken using my HTC phone that I now use as a PDA/MP3 player – more details here.
I bought this direct from the manufacturer in the USA and have been using since setting out on this trip. My first impressions are it is an excellent vest.
One picture so far showing a few of the 26 pockets!
* Concealed outside chest pocket – I keep my iphone in here, so it is always at hand, in another pocket inside this one.
Inside pockets
* MP3 player with the head phones routed inside the vest and the ear buds in a pocket in the collar.
* pen and torch pocket
* sunglasses pocket
I am going to write about this new vest more when I get back from this trip.
My old cricket hat has been retired – it is as old as Jeremy and has been worn on most of my walking trips over the years. I wear it to keep the sun off my head and face and for comfort under my rain jacket hood. But it is wearing out.
In Forres Diana and I discovered a traditional Army Surplus Shop and they had a selection of bush hats among lots of other things. I wanted a dessert camouflage version but the only ones they had in my size were the woodland DPM.
It came with an elastic chin strap, I changed that for a length of light cord, which I think works better. the cord loops up onto the back of the hat, out of the way, when not in use.
Having worn it on several walks the wide brim (wider than my cricket hat) keeps the rain off and it fits under my rain jacket hood. I can’t yet say how it works in the sun.
Gear in use – August 2014 Read More »
Here are some photos from my recent trip to Scotland with Diana.
Photos from Scotland Read More »