Walking near Branston
For the first time in several weeks, I was able to get out for a couple of miles walking near Branston. The route took me out across the fields. It was a blustery day so it made taking some of the photos difficult as the subjects were moving a lot. However the bursts of bright sun shine made for some interesting shots.
Walking near Branston
Of course there was coffee. I found a sheltered spot beside some woods for a stop.
Today made using my titanium meths stove, folding handle, steel REI Sierra cup and the lid I made from the bottom of a cake tin.
Nothing fancy today, instant Milicano coffee stirred with the empty packet.
This is a really compact kit for a brew whilst walking – all the gear I took with me this morning went into my jacket pockets. The ground sheet I sat on is the same off cut that I use in the door of my MSR Hubba backpacking tent.
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Branston Christmas Market
Darren, Greg, Ben and David, from Branston Business Network (and others) on the early morning shift, setting up the stalls for the Christmas Market.
Here is Diana, Vicki and David in our Lollipop Stall at the Market…
…Shawn and David…
… and Shelagh.
There was a Christmas Tree competition in the Church – here is Branston Business Network’s entry.
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