A better day

A better day

Originally uploaded by Lincoln Imp

The view is Haweswater this afternoon. It’s been hard to blog the last few days because of poor signal quality so last few entries from me may be out of sequence. We have reached Shap which is officially is in civilisation! Hard day in prospect, 10 hrs minimum walking, and with the sore legs and feet may well become 12 hours. We are now out of the Lake District and before us the Yorkshire Dale. Maybe we will have to blog sometime tommorow. Messages of support have been very welcome, keep them coming.

A better day Read More »

What’s the story, morning glory

So, after getting, soaked through yesterday afternoon & evening, and then seeing BBC’s cheerful weather forecast – more of the same. Look what we got this morning. More to follow, but signal is very limited so posting to the blog not easy at the moment. Thanks for the text messages of encouragement, keep them coming. More soon, but its only 8 degrees and I’m starting to get cold, must press on. Current position. 500m w by nw from shivery knott very appropriate.

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