I was the manager of the Lincoln Shortwave Club, National Hamfest for three years. During the 2011 event, I shot a series of photos on my iPhone, from the first moments I unlocked the doors of the hall, through the set up, the show and the clear up, until I left the Newark Showgound a week later.
The photos were posted live to the National Hamfest web site and formed part of the pre-show publicity. I assume they will keep the page on the Hamfest site until the 2012 show but I wanted a more permanent record of the event so I have duplicated the page, I created for them, here on my blog.
The National Hamfest 2011
A record of the show in pictures from empty hall to empty hall – photographed and posted to the site as it happens, by Clive G1BSN.
Watch this page for photos of the set up and the show as it happens posted from my iPhone. There are more photos at my blog. Clive G1BSN
Sunday 25/9/2011

The George Stephenson Building – empty!
Monday 26/9/2011
Some of the tents are now up.

Tuesday 27/9/2011
Early Morning Shift

GB11NH antennas and mast going up

Lincoln Shortwave Club are celebrating their 90th Anniversary this year and this is also the 30th Anniversary of their original Hamfest.

GB11NH on air

Wednesday 28/9/2011
The first exhibitor stands will be going up today.
Staff camping

Bryan – a man with the plan and a tape measure! His job today is to measure out the hall for the stands.

G3s takes the strain.

Thursday 29/9/2011
The 4.30am crew.

This is a photograph of G6JUT who had to go and rescue one of our helium balloons that blew away!

Friday 30/9/2011 – Show Day
First staff on the job.

Saturday 1/10/2011 – Show Day

The exhibitors have left – one more meal.

Sunday 2/10/2011

Jeremy, M6JSC, throwing away the last bit of rubbish.

National Hamfest 2011 finished!
All images copyright Clive Catton 2011 – no unauthorised use permitted – these images are not subject to the Creative Commons License.