Walking on the Southern Upland Way
Walking on the Southern Upland Way Read More »
It has got a lot warmer today so the low snow has gone and the high snow looks much thinner. The plan this morning was to walk in the forest near Loch Morlich and have lunch at one of the loch side picnic areas. The walking was good but the high wind put a stop to the lunch stop.
The shattered ice from the loch was being blown back onto the shore.
Back at the cottage the sun came out.
Glenmore Forest Park Read More »
It has got a bit warmer here today, the snow is melting, there is occasional rain, a gusty strong wind and not a lot of light. After watching Gravity on my iPad and dealing with a few things for Octagon, it was time for a walk in the woods around Aviemore.
I did not take my lunch or stove with me – it was back to the cottage for a pot of tea and watching the driving rain through the patio windows.
Walking near Aviemore Read More »
This is one of my favourite walks out to a small loch with a well placed bench for a brew.
Before setting off I texted a friend with the NGR of where my car was parked, an outline of my route, the NGR of the loch and my estimated time back to the car – just in case. It was lightly snowing and -3c when I left the car.
It was cold enough that I was glad of the gadget gloves I was wearing. The the ends of the fingers are treated so I can use my iPhone 6S camera screen controls without having to take my gloves off. For extra warm though the gloves are thin enough that I can wear them inside the Norwegian wool mittens my Mother bought me on her visit to Norway last spring. These mittens have a wind proof pre-shrunk wool outer with a softer wool inner and they are incredibly warm. They were not cheap but they are worth every penny.
Several sections of the path I used were flooded, with one length of about 150m looking more like a stream than a path, where the banks of a small river, the path forded, had been washed away.
The flooding did however make for some interesting ice over the running water.
An Lochan Uaine – completely frozen
The loch was nearly completely silent, except for a very occasional quiet bird song and the few minutes roar of my gas stove.
Heinz tomato soup, tuna, crackers and a chocolate bar – at one of the best outdoor restaurants I know!
Of course once back at the car I let my safety contact know I was back OK.
Walking to An Lochan Uaine Read More »
One of the best things about Kenmore is that the Tay Forest Park is nearby – no need to use the car, which is covered with ice at the moment.
Walking – Tay Forest Park Read More »