
Camping in Cornwall

Today is the first day of Jeremy’s and my annual Autumn Half-term camping trip to Veryan Campsite in Cornwall.


We travelled down overnight to arrive in St Austell for breakfast. It was cold but sunny but by the time we came to walk around the town it had started to warm up.


St Austell

The campsite is quite near the coast – so when we came to put the tents up the wind had picked up a bit – but the sun was out and it was still warm!


Rather than bringing our two-person tent, we are using two one-man tents as practice for a backpacking trip we are planning for next summer. This has meant reorganising the menu to being mainly “add boiling water”, backpacking food as we have limited indoor space to cook in. In addition we are storing the food and cooking gear in the car rather than in the tent.

As it gets dark early in October (and even earlier this year as the clocks change tomorrow) we bring a small laptop PC with us which we watch DVDs on, whilst sitting in the back of the car – so not having the two-person tent living area is not such an issue in the evening.

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Stickle Tarn via Stickle Ghyll

After several heavy bouts of rain overnight it was not raining when I woke up this morning. The plan was for an early start so we could get across to Langdale and get a parking space in the car park opposite the hotel – which is the nearest one to the start of the path. This meant setting the alarm for when it was still dark. Richard got up and walked across to the cabin to sort his breakfast – I stayed in my tent and had breakfast in bed.

We did get a good parking space, we were second in the car park – and set off at about 9am in what would prove to be variable weather. Some sun, a bit overcast, a few drops of rain and one heavier spell that lasted five minutes and even fog. But no wind and it was not cold.





We were in no hurry so about 10.30am we stopped for tea and cakes – just by the bridge that takes you over Stickle Ghyll.


I was using my Golite backing sack as a daypack – obviously nearly empty but a very comfortable bag to carry.




click on the above image for a larger version

We stopped for more tea at Stickle Tarn – where the sun came out and then the fog drifted in.







We were down at about 4pm having had an excellent day on the hills.

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