Lancashire Coastal Way pt 1
Lancashire Coastal Way pt 1 Read More »
It has to be the most dominant feature in Lincoln – the Cathedral.
I am off to the Lancashire coast and the Lake District tomorrow so no more photos of the Cathedral for a couple of weeks.
Another Photo of the Cathedral Read More »
I had a short walk out east of Newark on Bank Holiday Tuesday – the light was just right as I passed through Stapleford Woods.
The above image was taken with Camera+, but the original was very dark in the foreground. I then used the Camera+ “Clarify” function to lighten the foreground without losing the sun burst.
All images made with my iPhone 4, including post processing and cropping.
Before going to work on Sunday morning, (reading and reviewing a client’s, current staff handbook to reflect new technologies we are installing for them), I had a chance for a short walk through Stapleford Wood near Newark. Plenty of late autumn colours.