

This filter is nearly the same as the one I use to produce high contrast mono images except, I do not include a greyscale step. It is very effective when used on sunset images – here I am using it on Lincoln City’s football field.


The image was taken using the latest version of Camera+ and post processed with Photogene2.

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Walking to Potterhanworth Woods

It was a bright sunny day for today’s walk.

This shot was taken using Pro HDR so I could shoot into the sun and still get an image of the light coming through the leaves. I cropped the shot using Photogene2 whilst I was walking along.


The blossom shot was made using Camera+, I focused on and exposed for the white petals. Once home I sorted through the multiple option shots I had taken to find the best composition that was sharp and then used Photogene2 to crop the shot to emphasise the blossom.


One of the original frames for comparison.


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