Twenty four hours in the life of Tilbury
As part of a City and Guilds Photography course, that I used to teach, the class organised and undertook a project to document the life of a local town over a 24 hour period. The town was Tilbury in Essex. The course was for adults and was run at the Thurrock Technical College.
Many local Tilbury businesses and organisations gave access and permission for photos to be taken – with even the local police making a cell available for the group shot – this was the one shot over the weekend that I took, that was used in the final body of work. (I took it using a tripod and the self timer so I was in the shot as well.)
Following the shoot and subsequent editing of nearly a thousand photographs the students organised a local magazine to run a two page spread of the project photographs. There was a subsequent student exhibition at the college which featured many of the images and the students also submitted them for their final assessments on the City and Guilds course.
i remember this weekend well