Camera App Try Out

Yesterday shooting from the patio window, into a well lit scene, gave a good opportunity to shoot some comparison images using my favoured camera apps on my iPhone 4.

Clicking on the images will open the original full size images, so you can check the actual quality of the shots.

iPhone 4 – Apple Camera App (iOS 5)

Without HDR

iPhone 4 - Apple Camera App (iOS 5) no HDR

With HDR

iPhone 4 - Apple Camera App (iOS 5) with HDR


The exposure was taken from towards the top of the tress

Camera+ exposure taken from towards the tops of the trees

below – applying the Camera+ “Clarify” filter

Camera+ applying the built in "Clarify" filter



below – with a little more colour saturation

Pro HDR with a little more colour saturation added


And for something different, retro square shots

6x6 Mono

6x6 Colour